Thèse soutenue

Geopolitics of activism, commoning practices, and survival strategies in Istanbul : theory of the commons and local politics

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Auteur / Autrice : Hande Gülen
Direction : Nora Şeni
Type : Thèse de doctorat
Discipline(s) : Geographie
Date : Soutenance le 13/12/2023
Etablissement(s) : Paris 8
Ecole(s) doctorale(s) : École doctorale Sciences sociales (Saint-Denis, Seine-Saint-Denis ; 2000-....)
Jury : Président / Présidente : Ahmet İnsel
Examinateurs / Examinatrices : Amaël Cattaruzza, Timur Muhiddin, Béatrice Giblin
Rapporteur / Rapporteuse : Samim Akgönül, Pascale Laborier


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This dissertation explores commons-based grassroots activist practices that have multiplied at diverse scales in the aftermath of the Gezi Park protests, their macro- and micro-scale conflict levels, actors, and action repertoires. I aim to link social movement studies with approaches using both commons theory and geopolitical methodology. This dissertation answers the questions of the prefigurative power of the commoning practices unfolding in the aftermath of the Gezi Park protests and how these practices impact political representations at macro and micro scales. First, following the literature on the commons, this study scrutinizes the place of the Gezi Park protests in the global wave of uprisings symbolized by square occupations from a geopolitical and scalar perspective. Accordingly, it is argued that the commons-based organizations (commoning projects) that arose after the square movements played a politicizing role in everyday life as actors and performed as active networks to create new mobilizations, communities, and activist repertoires. It is also argued that there is a co-productive relationship between the commons and social movements, and the co-productive relationship can be channeled to local government actors and decision-making mechanisms, enabling the commons to transform the politics of local and everyday life. This argument is strengthened by analyzing the constructed or unconstructed relations between actors (central power, local governments, municipalities, social groups) engaged in the logic of negotiation in local dimensions (central power, local governments, municipalities, social groups) regarding public rights, access to local government facilities, excluded social groups in access to resources, and participation in political and social life, with a focus on movements and practices against the enclosure of the commons.