Thèse soutenue

Couvertures glacio-nivales et glaciers suspendus : apport de la télédétection optique et radar appliquée au massif du Mont-Blanc (Alpes européennes occidentales)

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Auteur / Autrice : Suvrat Kaushik
Direction : Ludovic RavanelEmmanuel TrouvéYajing YanFlorence Magnin
Type : Thèse de doctorat
Discipline(s) : Sciences de la Terre, Univers et Environnement
Date : Soutenance le 27/01/2023
Etablissement(s) : Chambéry
Ecole(s) doctorale(s) : École doctorale sciences, ingénierie, environnement (Chambéry ; 2021-....)
Partenaire(s) de recherche : Laboratoire : Environnements, dynamiques et territoires de la montagne (Le Bourget du Lac, Savoie)
Jury : Président / Présidente : Fatima Karbou
Examinateurs / Examinatrices : Praveen Thakur
Rapporteurs / Rapporteuses : Matthias Huss, Antoine Rabatel

Mots clés

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Mots clés contrôlés


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Although numerous in the Alpine ranges, hanging glaciers and ice/snow aprons on the high mountain permafrost-affected rock faces are poorly known glacial systems. Ice aprons are small ice bodies of irregular outlines lying on steep slopes. They are significant elements of high mountain landscapes, a glacial heritage due to the old age of the ice, and an essential condition for mountaineering. However, research dedicated to ice aprons is rare, and only in the past few years have a few localized studies been initiated to understand their physical behaviour and dynamics. On the other hand, small hanging glaciers on steep slopes are also critical components as they are a potential source of danger through avalanches triggered by the collapse of seracs or even their fronts. Although relatively rare, ice avalanches may severely threaten human lives, settlements and infrastructure. Even with their perceived importance, the relatively poor attention towards these glacier/ice bodies is because of their small size and association with complex topographies where their access is challenging.Through a multidisciplinary approach (geographic, field observations and remote sensing), this doctoral work aims to understand the origin, distribution, and dynamics of these particular glacier systems in the context of global warming. For this, we relied on a variety of datasets consisting of aerial, terrestrial and satellite (optical and RaDAR) images, meteorological datasets and in-situ measurements. The study area for this PhD was the Mont Blanc massif, a 550 km2 Alpine mountain range famous for some of the highest peaks in the Alps, including the Mont Blanc summit (4808 m a.s.l.). At first, we focused our attention on ice aprons, ubiquitous in all the major mountain ranges worldwide, yet poorly defined perennial ice bodies. We built a regional inventory of ice aprons (n. 423) for the study region and, using this inventory redefined ice aprons based on their topographic characteristics. The inventory presented here is the first regional inventory of ice aprons available in the literature. Then, exploiting the wealth of high-resolution images from the past decades, we mapped all ice aprons precisely for different periods (i.e. 1952, 2001, 2012 and 2019) and estimated the change in their total surface area over time. We observed a drastic reduction in the total surface area of ice aprons in the study region over the past decade, with a more profound reduction observed in the past two decades compared to the past.Further in the thesis, to study the physical behaviour and dynamics of ice aprons and hanging glaciers, we processed an extensive time series of RaDAR images from Sentinel 1 (2016 - 2020), PAZ (2020 -2021) and TerraSAR X (2009 and 2011) satellites. The results from the later chapters of the thesis present a first attempt to study and monitor the physical processes and dynamics of these small mountain features from RaDAR images. Some of our results from the previous sections were validated after our analysis with RaDAR datasets; the most critical of this was that ice aprons are losing significant volume/thickness along with a reduction in surface area.Despite the methodological and logistical challenges associated with studying glaciers and ice bodies on steep mountain slopes, more focus from the scientific community must be diverted towards their research at this critical hour. Looking at the melting trends, it is hard to imagine any of the present ice aprons surviving the next few decades. The disappearance of ice aprons will not only be a loss of crucial glacial heritage but also endanger the iconic practice of mountaineering in future years. Similarly, incidents of catastrophic avalanches triggered because of the destabilizations in hanging glaciers are a further cause of grave concern for mountaineers and glaciologists. Hopefully, this PhD thesis forms a basis to encourage further studies in this direction.