Thèse soutenue

L'éducation thérapeutique entre vérité médicale et histoire du patient

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Auteur / Autrice : Nadine Esnault
Direction : Martine Lani-BayleJean-Yves Robin
Type : Thèse de doctorat
Discipline(s) : Sciences de l'Education
Date : Soutenance en 2015
Etablissement(s) : Nantes
Ecole(s) doctorale(s) : École doctorale Cognition, éducation, interactions (Nantes)
Partenaire(s) de recherche : Laboratoire : Centre de Recherche en Éducation (Nantes)
autre partenaire : Université Nantes-Angers-Le Mans - COMUE (2009-2015)

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The medical diagnosis is expressed in scientific terms, based on demonstration logic on which is stated that adult patients with a chronic disease, such as asthma in this research, have to respect certain standards to prevent sudden appearance of aculte crisis. From the medical point of view, a chronic diseae is often considered as not curable, the proposed treatments aim to alleviable the symptoms and make life more comfortable. Despite educational sessions provided to these patients, we observe a phenomon of non-compliance mean at the patient's level ? As we give further thought to the interpretative level, we will try to understand what the words of the subject might reveal. Would this approach also reveal, beyond a "clinical sign" when i tcomes to refer to the disease as an evidence, a "clinic meaning". (Dubas, 2004) when it comes to discover the proven disease ? Would could this "non-compliance" mean at the patient's level ? As we give further throught to the interpretative level, we will try to understand what the words of the subject might reveal, beyond a "clinical sign" when it comes to refer to the desease as an evidence, a "clinic of meaning" (Dubas, 2004) when it comes to discover the proven disease ? Would this behavior result of a denial ? Would the patients obtain side benefits from their illness as shown in Laplantine's work (1986) ? Given the patients itinerary, their experiences endured through the emergence of the disease, their educational, social and family history, shouldn't we be able to understand this compliance or no-compliance ?Taking advantage of a study of the accounts from five patients, we have attempted to identify the modes of behavior, the identify issues and the proper histories of each one. The methodological orientation of this thesis is therefore within the scope of a clinical and qualitative approach.