Thèse soutenue

Modélisation de la Chaîne Respiratoire et de la Phosphorylation Oxydative

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Auteur / Autrice : Margit Heiske
Direction : Jean-Pierre MazatEdda Klipp
Type : Thèse de doctorat
Discipline(s) : Sciences, technologie, santé. Biochimie
Date : Soutenance le 11/12/2012
Etablissement(s) : Bordeaux 2 en cotutelle avec Humboldt-Universität (Berlin)
Ecole(s) doctorale(s) : École doctorale Sciences de la vie et de la santé (Talence, Gironde ; 1993-....)
Jury : Président / Présidente : Peter Hegemann
Examinateurs / Examinatrices : Jean-Pierre Mazat, Edda Klipp
Rapporteurs / Rapporteuses : Barbara Bakker, David Fell


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Mitochondria are cell organelles which play an essential role in the cell energy supply providing the universal high energetic molecule ATP which is used in numerous energy consuming processes. The core of the ATP production, oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) consists of four enzyme complexes (respiratory chain) which establish, driven by redox reactions, a proton gradient over the inner mitochondrial membrane. The ATP-synthase uses this electrochemical gradient to phosphorylate ADP to ATP. Dysfunctioning of an OXPHOS complex can have severe consequences for the energy metabolism and cause rare but incurable dysfunctions in particular tissues with a high energy demand such as brain, heart, kidney and skeleton muscle. Moreover mitochondria are linked to widespread diseases like diabetes, cancer, Alzheimer and Parkinson. Further, reactive oxygen species which are a by-product of the respiratory chain, are supposed to play a crucial role in aging. The aim of this work is to provide a realistic model of OXPHOS which shall help understanding and predicting the interactions within the OXPHOS and how a local defect (enzyme deficiency or modification) is expressed globally in mitochondrial oxygen consumption and ATP synthesis. Therefore we chose a bottom-up approach. In a first step different types of rate equations were analyzed regarding their ability to describe the steady state kinetics of the isolated respiratory chain complexes in the absence of the proton gradient. Here Michaelis-Menten like rate equations were revealed to be appropriate for describing their behavior over a wide range of substrate and product concentrations. For the validation of the equations and the parameter estimation we have performed kinetic measurements on bovine heart submitochondrial particles. The next step consisted in the incorporation of the proton gradient into the rate equations, distributing its influence among the kinetic parameters such that reasonable rates were obtained in the range of physiological electrochemical potential differences. In the third step, these new individual kinetic rate expressions for the OXPHOS complexes were integrated in a global model of oxidative phosphorylation. The new model could fit interrelated data of oxygen consumption, the transmembrane potential and the redox state of electron carriers. Furthermore, flux inhibitor titration curves can be well reproduced, which validates its global responses to local effects. This model may be of great help to understand the increasingly recognized role of mitochondria in many cell processes and diseases as illustrated by some simulations proposed in this work.