Thèse soutenue

Le pilotage du capital immatériel : le cas d'une grande entreprise durant la crise économique récente

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Auteur / Autrice : Daniel-Enrique Guevara-Espejel
Direction : Ahmed Bounfour
Type : Thèse de doctorat
Discipline(s) : Sciences de gestion
Date : Soutenance le 12/12/2011
Etablissement(s) : Paris 11
Ecole(s) doctorale(s) : École doctorale, Sciences de l'Homme et de la Société (Sceaux, Hauts-de-Seine ; 1996-2015)
Jury : Président / Présidente : Éric Pezet
Examinateurs / Examinatrices : Sandra Charreire Petit
Rapporteurs / Rapporteuses : Ababacar Mbengue, Thomas J. Housel

Mots clés

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Now a day, the World has been experiencing the worst economic crisis since 1929, and this is considered as the “perfect storm”. In addition, the businesses and organizations are trying to be safe under this context. Based on Akerman cycle approach, this research focus on an organization case study that is trying to respond to an economic crisis it has been experiencing since 2009. Also, this investigation identifies how some of the businesses’ intangible assets are becoming relevant and they are trying to help during this situation, particularly right after the enterprise experienced some years of expansion and growth. The intangible assets considered are included in the intellectual capital taxonomy of the organization and also are grouped in the human, structural and relational capital sets. Moreover, there is a specific monitor of one of the intangible assets and it is more related to the sales quotation rat