Thèse soutenue

Organosilanes et "alcènes lourds" : synthèse par l'activation électrochimique

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Auteur / Autrice : Bilal Nehmeh
Direction : Viatcheslav Jouikov
Type : Thèse de doctorat
Discipline(s) : Chimie
Date : Soutenance en 2010
Etablissement(s) : Rennes 1
Ecole(s) doctorale(s) : École doctorale Sciences de la matière (Rennes ; 1996-2016)
Partenaire(s) de recherche : autre partenaire : Université européenne de Bretagne (2007-2016)

Mots clés



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Silicon products (Siloxanes, Silicones) have various applications in many domains. Their synthesis as well as the development of new approaches for their preparation is one of the major tasks in organo silicon chemistry. One of the most rapidly developing branches of this chemistry is synthesis and reactivity of the unsaturated compounds of silicon (Si=X with X = Si, C, O …). On the other hand, electrochemical reactions are used in organic synthesis and catalysis as well as in the preparation of silicon compounds (mono-, di-, and polysilanes). New electrochemical methods have been developed for the preparation of new organo silicon products (with Si-Si and Si=Si bond) using different approaches and techniques (CV, organic synthesis and catalysis, preparative electrolysis, EPR, spectroelectrochemistry, CV coupled EPR, NMR, GC-MS). Also new polyfunctionnalized siloxanes with four different functions at Si by the intermediacy of electrogenerated silanone have been developed. A kinetic study has been performed by classical pseudo-first order reaction and using the described model of Nicholson and digital simulation taking into account the diffusion of both-O2-. And substrate-in the reaction layer. For circumventing the high cathodic reduction potential of chlorosilanes, new catalytic methods using organic or organometallic molecules for initiating SN2 coupling reaction (redox mediator) or catalytic coupling (Ni-bipy complex) have been developed. Moreover, electronic properties of pentacoordinated silicon compounds has been studied, using electrochemical methods and EPR. The development of other electrochemical approaches is envisaged.