Thermally accurate LES of the stability-emission performance of staged gas-turbine combustion
Auteur / Autrice : | Patrick Schmitt |
Direction : | Thierry Poinsot |
Type : | Thèse de doctorat |
Discipline(s) : | Dynamique des fluides |
Date : | Soutenance en 2005 |
Etablissement(s) : | Toulouse, INPT |
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Modern gas turbines use turbulent lean partially premixed combustion in order to minimise nitrous oxide (NOX) emissions. The Large-Eddy Simulation (LES) of such a device is the goal of this work. Focus is laid on correctly predicting the NOX emissions, which are influenced by four factors: heat transfer, mixing quality, combustion modelling and thermo-acoustic stability. The resulting LES shows a strong thermoacoustic instability due to the coupling of mixing an acoustics, comparing well with experimental observations. By making the boundaries completely anechoic it is shown that when the instability disappears, the NOX levels are reduced by 75%. Additionally, neglecting all heat transfer, effusion and film cooling, the NOX levels are increased again by one order of magnitude.