Thèse soutenue

Mise au point de nouveaux outils et de concepts de modélisation et d'optimisation pour l'élaboration anionique par extrusion réactive de matériaux macromoléculaires multiphasés et nanostructurés à base de polyamides

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Auteur / Autrice : Rabih Rached
Direction : Fernand Pla
Type : Thèse de doctorat
Discipline(s) : Génie des procédés
Date : Soutenance en 2005
Etablissement(s) : Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, INPL
Jury : Président / Présidente : Pierre Lochon
Examinateurs / Examinatrices : Christian Fonteix, Nicole Albérola, Jean-Pierre Puaux, Sandrine Hoppe


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The aim of this study is the elaboration of polyamide 12 (PA12) and polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) blends. The original concept is based on the simultaneous synthesis of polyamide and the compatibilizer by anionic polymerization during the reactive extrusion. It leads to a material composed of a continuous PA 12 phase in which the elastomer stabilized by the compatibilizer is finely dispersed. The formation mechanism of morphology is then completely different from that classically observed. The in situ reactively compatibilized polymer blends improve the mechanical properties of these materials, particularly their impact behaviour. For this purpose, a kinetic model of the two polymerizations was developed. In addition, the complete synthesis of a new macroactivator was carried out to form the compatibilizer in situ. Before the implementation of the reactive extrusion process, preliminary studies were necessary in order to study the influence of the operating conditions and the composition of the blend on the final material properties. New tools and scientific concepts were developed to obtain an optimized extrusion process. These tools, resulting from an appropriate experimentation strategy, are predictive models and algorithms of multicriteria optimization which proved to be very useful for the elaboration of these materials and the control of the corresponding processes.