Thèse soutenue

Les manuels de confession en Castille au XIVe et au XVe siècle : Édition et étude du manuscrit 92179 de la Real Academia de la Historia de Madrid

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Auteur / Autrice : Hélène Thieulin-Pardo
Direction : Michel Garcia
Type : Thèse de doctorat
Discipline(s) : Espagnol
Date : Soutenance en 1993
Etablissement(s) : Paris 3

Mots clés



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This thesis consists in transcribing and stud ing the manuscript 9 2179 of the real academia de la historia de madrid. Il is a confession handbook dating back to the first half of the xvth century. This andbook is an abbreviation of the libro de las confessiones which was written by martin perez and dated 1316. This two texts were meant for confessors in order to dispense the sacrament of penance. They are guides with models of questionning which were intended to make the verbal avowal of sins easier. They also contain list of penance, advice, and rules of conduct as to how to welcome penitents and hear their confessions. In the first part of the thesis we have studied the historical and theological background to the discourse on confession, mainly influenced by the fourth lateran council. A synthesis was conducted from a corpus of twenty texts written both in spanish and in latin from the beginning of the xivth century to the beginning of the xvith century. It gives us a better indestanding of the place held by the libro de las confesiones ans the confesionario in the discourse on confession at large. After havind analyzed the correspondances between the original text and its abbreviation, this study endeavoured to analyse the pattern of the examination of one's conscience : catechism, sins ad status, sins committed against the five senses and some parts of the body. The model of society which appears also states the foundations of order and means to have some control over society.