Thèse soutenue

Réalisme hyperbolique dans les romans maximalistes tardifs de Thomas Pynchon (Against the Day) et Roberto Bolaño (2666)

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Auteur / Autrice : Samir Manuel Sellami
Direction : Jonathan PollockFernando Resende
Type : Thèse de doctorat
Discipline(s) : Littérature générale et comparée
Date : Soutenance le 20/02/2018
Etablissement(s) : Perpignan en cotutelle avec Universidade federal fluminense (Niteroi, Brésil)
Ecole(s) doctorale(s) : École doctorale INTER-MED (Perpignan ; 2011-....)
Jury : Examinateurs / Examinatrices : Pascale Amiot-Jouenne, Ingrid Hotz-Davies, Benjamim Picado

Mots clés

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Starting from the notion of hyperbole as rhetoric figure and philosophical concept, my dissertation places Pynchon's and Bolaño's maximalist novels in a wider context shaped by the emergence of the Anthropocene as a new historical and geological epoch, by the return of realism in the humanities, by the renewed philosophical interest for ontological and metaphysical questions, by the possibility of a posthumanist phenomenology and by literature's 'anxiety of obsolescence' in a post-literate age. In this context, I examine a variety of literary questions (such as abundance as a modality of uncertainty, the dramaturgy of light and darkness, metaphors, ekphrasis etc.) to reveal the novels' hyperbolic structures that can nevertheless be inscribed within a realist framework. In Pynchon's and Bolaño's novels, hyperbolic doubts and linguisticuncertainty punctuate the narrative universes. If these doubts and uncertainties are over and over again vanquished by the adventurous labor of figuration, they are never fully abolished, but form the dark core of literary discourse and, after all, any linguistic act.