Thèse soutenue

La réception de Michel de Montaigne à la cour espagnole de l'âge baroque (1580-1700)

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Auteur / Autrice : Gabriel Aranzueque
Direction : Roger ChartierÁngel Gabilondo
Type : Thèse de doctorat
Discipline(s) : Histoire et civilisations
Date : Soutenance en 2003
Etablissement(s) : Paris, EHESS en cotutelle avec Université de Madrid


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Starting from the analysis of the production and distribution methods that promoted the dissemination of Michel de Montaigne’s Essays in Spain during the 17th Century, this thesis tackles the process of reception and appropriation of the French author by some sectors of the Habsburg Court at Madrid. In order to do this, it focuses on the study of the origins of the copies of the Essays that have reached us, on the history of the libraries of the period that possessed some printed edition and on the works of those Spanish writers that quoted, either expressly or in a veiled form, some passages thereof. The cornerstone of the research is constituted by the diplomatic transcription and the historic and linguistic scrutiny of the handwritten translation of the first book of the Essays, carried out between 1634 and 1637 by the former Carmelite friar Diego de Cisneros, theologian and collaborator of the Holy Office. After being included in the Index of forbidden books in 1632 and, whilst fully at war with France, Diego de Cisneros, encouraged by the Inquisitor Pedro Pacheco, a personal friend of Francisco de Quevedo, commenced the task of accommodating the Montaigne’s thought to Roman Catholic orthodoxy. The result is a faithful version that includes some minor errors and amendments that do not affect the general sense of the work, as well as numerous warnings on the more compromising phrases or words that had to be read with care and caution.