Thèse soutenue

Impact de l’anisotropie structurale de La2NiO4+δ sur des modifications structurales apparaissant à haute température ainsi que la diffusion de l’oxygène

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Auteur / Autrice : Nicolas Gauquelin
Direction : Michael SchroederWerner Paulus
Type : Thèse de doctorat
Discipline(s) : Chimie
Date : Soutenance en 2010
Etablissement(s) : Rennes 1 en cotutelle avec RWTH Aachen University (Allemagne)
Ecole(s) doctorale(s) : École doctorale Sciences de la matière (Rennes ; 1996-2016)
Partenaire(s) de recherche : autre partenaire : Université européenne de Bretagne (2007-2016)

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La2NiO4+δ was first studied due to its structural similarities with the High Temperature superconductor La2CuO4+δ and more recently due to its promise as a cathode material in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells as well as an oxygen exchange membrane. It crystallizes in the K2NiF4 layered structure and accommodates highly mobile oxygen at its ground state and is therefore overstoichiometric. During this thesis, pure single crystals of La2NiO4+δ were successfully grown using the floating-zone method, subsequently characterized using neutron and Laue Backscattering diffraction and oriented pieces of single crystal with [100] and [001] orientation were prepared. The surface morphology behavior after long term exposure to high temperature in different atmospheres was observed using microscopy techniques because stability at high temperature is required for application purposes and it was discovered a structural change to nickel-rich phases at T>1173K. The sensibilitivity of the oxygen non-stoichiometry to cooling was studied and subsequently a new 18O-16O exchange apparatus allowing quenching of the samples using liquid nitrogen was developed. Oxygen self-diffusion was studied using SIMS in the range 673-873K in both [100] and [001] crystallographic directions. The effect of the disorientation of the sample surface on the determination of the slowest diffusion coefficient was discovered and revealed the very strong anisotropy (> 5 orders of magnitude difference) between the different diffusion paths. Finally using HTXRD and oxygen release experiments, it was shown that oxygen diffusion from interstitial oxygen starts to be relevant at 550-600K and a change of behavior is observed around 700K, corresponding to a possible change in the diffusion mechanism from interstitial to intersitialcy.