Thèse soutenue

Bergery, Deta, Doriot et l'encadrement de la jeunesse : objectifs, réseaux, organisation (1933-1944)

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Auteur / Autrice : Sébastien Pietrasanta
Direction : Gilles Le Béguec
Type : Thèse de doctorat
Discipline(s) : Histoire contemporaine
Date : Soutenance en 2005
Etablissement(s) : Paris 10


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Gaston Bergery, the radical, Marcel Déat the socialist and Jacques Doriot the communist a11 break with their respective parties in the early nineteen-thirties. Each one founded his own political party (Parti Populaire Français, Parti Frontiste, Parti Socialiste de France, Union Socialiste et Républicaine). Gradually, the three defectors evolve and embody ultra collaboration during World War II. Other than their political parties, Bergery, Déat and Doriot found youth organisations: Jeunesses Frontistes, jeunesses néo-socialistes, Jeunesses Socialistes et Républicaines, Union Populaire de la Jeunesse Française {UPJF} before 1940 and Jeunesses Populaires Françaises (JPF), Jeunesses Nationales Populaires (JNP) during the Occupation. Those youth movements have not had the same history but have been very helpful to their parties to recruit new members, for militant chores and the development of propaganda.