Thèse soutenue

Lointains fanés et silencieux : La représentation de ĺespace dans ĺoeuvre poétique de O.V. de L. Milosz

FR  |  
Auteur / Autrice : Olivia-Jeanne Cohen
Direction : Philippe Hamon
Type : Thèse de doctorat
Discipline(s) : Littérature française
Date : Soutenance en 1995
Etablissement(s) : Paris 3

Mots clés


Mots clés contrôlés


FR  |  

Space's representation in poetic works sttles "la quete du je" through his "centralisation". O. V. De l. Milosz represents lyric subject as exiled and in perpetual renaissance; places suggest mixed and quartered itineraries. Time is echo of space, represents movement, shiftings and places stagnation, evolution through "atopiques" places, "amorphes" places, suspension between the past and the present. L'espace concret du moi expresses topography and places's essential characteristics. L'espace interactif represents rela tionship between self and the other through gestures, desire, wordk impulse and repulsion. Fictionnel space projects "points-of-vue" of lyric subject about dreamed space, imaginary world, sensual and mystic of milosz. Textual and intertextual space transposes self's rewriting through other texts, others writers, others cultural referenc es, others symbolic aspects. Space, outlined through "face and silent distances", dimed and unveilled through horizon lines which ascend about self, expresses "strates", "palimpsestes", discontinuities and uninterrupted echos.