Thèse soutenue

Le tatouage à l'adolescence

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Auteur / Autrice : Michel Angioli
Direction : Philippe Gutton
Type : Thèse de doctorat
Discipline(s) : Psychopathologie
Date : Soutenance en 1994
Etablissement(s) : Paris 7

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At the very beginning of humanity, the skin was probably the first medium for inscription. On this medium the tatoo would symbolically record society's unwritten socio-culturels signifiers. But from the advent of writing or state societies, the medium has gradually been inverted : the tattoo, a sign or social belonging, became a sign of social exclusion, or at least, a sign of withdrawal to a position of marginalisation. Nowadays, the trough for the first tattoo occurs almost always at adolescence at the average age of berween 16 and 17 years. Our concern will be to understand the possible support or reinforcement functions. . .