Thèse soutenue

Les éléments nécessitant une interprétation dans la traduction des textes littéraires narratifs : application à une traduction en chinois du Pére Goriot de Balzac

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Auteur / Autrice : Su-wei Yan
Direction : Marianne Lederer
Type : Thèse de doctorat
Discipline(s) : Traductologie
Date : Soutenance en 1994
Etablissement(s) : Paris 3


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This thesis attempts to explain the process of literary translation in the light of the theory of meaning. The intoduction briefly reviews the essential role of literary translation. . . Enabling us to understand people who live in different cultural and natural environments, and who experience things differently. We have defined the ideas conceyed by literary texts as the objet of the act of translation (chapter one). In the mind of the translator, or of any reader, these ideas can be seen as a cognitive process which consists of interpreting the reality which is represented in the text. The words themselves merely point to this reality (the textual world). The aim of the translator's work is to recreate the reality which is conveyed in the target language. Thus designation, an essential function of language in use, always ties in with a set of references which have been built up through experience. Because the literary text is aimed at another kind of reader, the translator must "understand" according to the reference system of the sourcve language and culture, but he must "reexpress" according to the reference system of the target language and culture (chapters 2 and 3). The form of expression is revelant to the theory of translation only insofar as it has to do with function. The reality which is conveyed hould be reexpressed in ways which are natural to the target language (chapters 4 and 5). This linguistic redefinition relies on the "image" called up by the original text. Through his own text, the translator endeavours to elicit the same meaningful image in his reader's mind (chapters 6 and 7).