Thèse soutenue

Dysmorphesthésie et corps sexué : étude théorico-clinique

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Auteur / Autrice : Ahmed El Mtili
Direction : Hervé Beauchesne
Type : Thèse de doctorat
Discipline(s) : Psychologie
Date : Soutenance en 1993
Etablissement(s) : Paris 5

Mots clés


Mots clés contrôlés


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The notion of dysmorphesthesid (ajuriaguerra,1974) appears more appropriate than that of dysmorphophobia in order to approach the question of self aesthetic body depreciation. After an historic detailed study of this notion,it is about the dysmorphesthesic symptom as a fear of not being loved by the other sex,especially among the adolescent (2nd part), and the question of two principals symptomtic localisations (nasal dysmorphesthesia and phallic dysmorphesthesia) (3d part). The body ugliness problamatic refers to the fear of not being enough feminin or virile in other to please to the other sex, and marks insufficient integration of body sexuation to its aesthetic image.