Thèse soutenue

Conditions sémantico-syntaxiques et sémiotiques de la productivité systémique, lexicale et discursive

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Auteur / Autrice : Cidmar Teodoro Pais
Direction : Bernard Pottier
Type : Thèse de doctorat
Discipline(s) : Linguistique
Date : Soutenance en 1993
Etablissement(s) : Paris 4

Mots clés


Mots clés contrôlés


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From an epistemological analysis of meta-theories and meta-models of the sciences of language, considered in their historical process, this research is based essentially on pottier's linguistic theory and also uses some approaches by hjelmslev and greimas, to propose a theoretical model of the semiotic linguistic processes and their relations with the socio-cultural process. Subjects considered: natural, human and linguistic semiotics; semiological structuralization proceedings, semantic universes; sememic structuralization in natural language and information analysis in discourse; lexical universe, actualization process of lexical units, information retrieving; sememic combinatory in phrastic enunciate and in text; inter-subjective hypothesis network and world views in communication process; elementary mechanisms of production of signification and information; structuralization process of linguistic signified, from the analysis of experience to discourse manifestation; path of production, productivity, self-feed and self-regulation of the semiotic process; semiosis and conceptual semic coherence in a macro-semiotics; signification systems, norms, competence and structure conceptions; typology of semiotic systems; text, discourse and discourse universe, inter-subjective, spatial and temporal relations of enunciation enunciate; structure levels and steps of the generative path in semiotics, syntax and semantic; generative path and systemic, lexical and discoursive conditions of productivity; sociosemiotic approach of the cultural process; lexicon and semiotics of culture; epistemology, basic research and its applications in sciences of language and signification. As a complement, some aspects of the lexical classes of designations in brazilian portuguese are considered.